Enter the giant black wooden doors of a 9,300 square-metre warehouse at the Mandarin Oriental in Marrakech and you will discover MO Studio, a newly transformed, permanent gallery and event space with a current exhibition 'Noir sur Blanc’, tackling the question of perception. It is the brainchild of Atelier Mayer founder/curator Carmen Haid and Moroccan artist/architect Idriss Karnachi.

One highlight of the exhibition is an old Mercedes taxi. The entire body of which was covered with thick carpets from the local manufacturer Beni Rugs. Every Moroccan city has a uniform taxi colour that defines its local affiliation in order to prevent the taxi business from crossing cities. The CAR-PET breaks with this convention in a playful way - just one example of the departure and creative progressiveness that pave the way for a future for the country between tradition and modernity. Another highlight is a series of bronze bird sculptures by artist Maria Kabbaj.
The art exhibition “Noir sur Blanc” is open daily from 11am - 8pm at the MO STUDIO at Mandarin Oriental in Marrakech, accessible through the reception/boutique.
Press Features

Hinter riesigen schwarzen Holztüren eines 9.300 Quadratmeter großen Lagerhauses im Mandarin Oriental in Marrakesch eröffnet sich ein neues Ausstellungsatrium jenseits orientalischer Klischees von Palmen...

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A new Marrakesh warehouse gallery draws from contemporary Moroccan design while avoiding the clichés. Its exhibition Noir sur Blancunites Pop art, film, photography and collectables sourced from Atelier Mayer founder Carmen Haid’s vintage trove...